Wednesday 21 October 2009

cat girl

I Need to do more posts. So Here is a cat girl. wooo!! etc

P.s I am now in Middlesbrough by the way and we nearly have our first ever job. I'm very almost a real person.

Monday 19 October 2009

boro times....

Long time without writing as usual...
I have a silly animation. No sound. will put sound on....some day.

here it is. lalala....erm youtube is stupid you'll probably have to go look at it as intended on youtube. It is not really meant to cut one guy off like that :) believe it or not.

la la la.

I managed to get a place stewarding Bradford Animation Festival, which is nice cuz i get in free. yay! Also my friend Emmanuel has a video in the music video category with his degree film. :) awww, should be a fun week.

heres some other stuff Ive been doing...

Not very exciting. No.