Thursday 27 May 2010

Long time no blog

jeezaz flipping krist...
long time no blog.

In the space of my absence [MONTHS] I have:

Been to Berlin, Pictoplasma Animation Festival. [Great beyond belief]

Been stuck in Berlin for an extra week due to volcano lovelieness [extra great!]

Got home to various THINGS:
1. Animation for North Tyneside Council,
Animation for a Rock Opera
Interview with the Shed Gateshead
Photoshoot for the blueprint business awards

Realised the world of work is not for me and retired.

Ok the last one is a lie. Sort of. I still want to run away and live in Germany [if i had of been paid while i was there i would not be here now, i would be living a life of scum-dom on the streets of Berlin]

But now the stress is finally over and I can draw and do fun things again! YES!

nothing for you now, though. :)

Monday 15 March 2010

Maker Faire

So, as mentioned earlier we did this animation for the Science Fest at the Centre For Life in Newcastle.

We then spent the entire weekend from 9 till 6 shooting pixilation animation with kids, families, ourselves and the staff. Jay did a good post about it HERE. But I am gonna steal some of his content hahahahaha.

It was super FUN. We were often so tired we felt like collapsing... but children have impossible amounts of infectious energy apparently. We also got to see our animation projected on the walls of the Centre For Life which was cool :) Not to mention all the fun stuff that was going on, Musical Lightening...rubix cube robots...mathematical sculptures [more fun than it sounds], ROBOT WARS, virtual fun fair etc etc etc...

So that's what I've been doing this weekend. And last week our Digital City fellowship ended after six months...and I moved back to Newcastle. Which is totally mad, Digital City totally solved my life, if it wasn't for them I'd probably be in the queue at the job centre or something right now...haha

Now i'm back in Newcastle I've LOVED seeing everyone and am basically EXCITED FOR LIFE in general. Summer is on it's way...Berlin and Pictoplasma is soon...we have workshops and animation work lined up, so it's all good really. 2010 has been a mint year so far.

Now I just have to tidy my room which still isn't unpacked....I'll leave you with our showreel [which is still unfinished but you get the idea...] The buddha animation I did, with the background and extra animation + effects by jay is on at the end as well...


Thursday 4 March 2010

turps illustration

Been working on making show reels and other animation-y things but I found the time to do another illustration for TURPS magazine. Which is a brillzo local DIY magazine some friends have been putting together. Last month I submitted Happy Guts! and they liked it so I've continued with the Fat-kids-with-their-innards-coming-out theme.


Next month they are printing 4000 copies so I best get a move on with some more ideas...ahhhh


I had to rush it cuz I had other crap to do, so I think it could be majorly improved with lots more going on BUT it looks areet when the contrast whacked up which is what it shall look like in the mag so wheeeeeee.

I am in a bit of a crap mood today. bLAh. Need to be productive. Don't wanna be productive. Bleh.


Saturday 20 February 2010

Bus Stop

I did it. Its 2:50am But eventually I can sleep.... Except my housemates have promised to bang on my door and wake me up when they get back as punishment for not going out...They'll probably be here in about half an hour. 

That'll be nice. haha.

I'm not so sure why these people are so miserable. I must of been in a really bad mood when I drew this. I HATE the guy on the end, he is a massive sicko. The others are OK.

Tomorrow I promise I will do something actually productive.


Bus Stop Sketch

I have nothing much to report or show so I thought i'd just scan a sketch I done which will be a THING some day [add it to the list]. alalalalala...People at a bus stop....

Three more weeks till i'm home. weird.



Tuesday 9 February 2010

Our latest animation work...

It's online...

to go to the Centre For Life homepage where our animation is. It should be playing for about two months in various places to advertise their Science Fest which is gonna be taking place in March. We are going to be doing a walk-in animation workshop as well so if you're in Newcastle come and join in with the MAGIC OF ANIMATION haha.

I'm back to sunny Newcastle [ha] tomorrow actually. 7.30am coach and then a day of animation businessy stuff [not sure what it actually involves except we get three free meals] at the Animex business day at Tyneside cinema. 

Then I'm gonna have a weekend at home, maybe try and squeeze some money out of my belongings via ebay. But mostly I will be raiding my mam's cupboards for food. woo.

I watched Princess and the Frog, it was great.

bye bye.

edit: DUH i just realised i can embed the youtube video: 

Saturday 6 February 2010

Dreaming of summer...

I wish it was summer and I wish I was drinking cans in the sun and smoking. Is what this picture represents.