This evening I have spent about a million hours trying to do a suitable christmas card design. This is kind of mainly to send out as a promotional thing for our company [lolzomg company lolz] but I wanted to do one anyway, just to send to everyone...
HOWEVER, I've never been very confident with layout and composition of things. I need help. I know ONE person reads this but never mind, WHAT CAN I DO to make this better? It is meant to be a xmas office party scene. Dunno if you can tell... Any advice? I think it's a bit cluttered but its late and my brain won't work and I am sick of doing it and I need to pack and blah blah...
iN OtHeR NeWs: Project Robot Santa is going well....the main animation is done. Now we need to render and put stuff into maya and then make it all brilliant. Will try and get some work in progress clips up after the weekend. Actually i'll have a go at a quick render of the animation I did and try and put it on here tonight.
Going back to Newcastle a the weekend. Gonna mooch on down to electrik Sheep to see the opening of a Jon Burgerman exhibit. Should be fun... Also get to see loads of friends I haven't seen in ages. :) Really looking forward to it. But I have to pack at 1.30am....bllahhhh...
lalala ok, Goodnight!
p.s: Have developed an obsession with Laika the first animal in space, after falling in love with this tune and video...
I Thought I might share some old stuff I did in my final year of uni. Because I quite liked them and because I want to fill my blog so full with things every minute that quantity overrides quality. Also because somehow getting ready for bed takes more effort than this. I actually posted these on my old blog but hmm ho that one's dead and buried now. They are from an [unpaid student] project we did for Proctor and Gamble. It was about cavemen and soap. No it didn't really make sense. Anyway, apparently it gets shown to their soap making employees or something now... Sketches:
Backgrounds and things:
I quite hated the coloured characters in the end. But the backgrounds were good fun. THE END.
NOT QUITE THE END....i leave you with this, my absolute favorite music of the moment...yumyum...
Pretty busy at the moment. It's fun fun fun. Bradford Animation Festival was also very fun. Here I am in my volunteer BLUE T SHIT collecting the signed poster we all got at the end. We had to go on stage hahahaha:
I am second from the right looking INTENTLY at my prize.It was a really busy week, lots of late nights and early mornings but it flew by cuz everything was so FUN. Can't wait to go back next year, hopefully volunteer again. Met loads of lovely people as well :)
highlights were:
MACHINARIUM talk. Amazing game and amazing talk. Download the game! CORALINE talk. One of the producers, and the lead special effects guy were there. It's unreal how much work went into that film. Plus we got to watch it in 3d. Yay. THIS ANIMATION was un-real!! i didn't really understand what was going on, but it looks nice :) THIS ANIMATION is also amazing.
and this is all I can be bothered to link to right now as it is nearly 2am.
So here is what I am doing with myself at the moment...
Project One...
project two .... also hopefully doing some illustrations for an anti drugs leaflet, WE'LL SEE. I hope so ... I want to do lots of illustration ALL THE TIME.
So yeah, pretty busy. FUN IS FUN, LIFE IS FUN....the end