Happy Nu YEAH!
Hopefully should be getting some money for teaching kids animation some time in the near future though. That part of it is fun. Other than that just design + illustration please :)
Bought my ticket for pictoplasma animation/character design festival. So I will be buggering off to Berlin on the 10th ish of April for a FULL WEEK. Soooo excited, gonna meet up with a German friend we made last time and have lots and lots and SO MUCH FUN!!!!! I have no money to do this but that is a minor technicality. As long as I make it to Berlin I'm sure everything else will sort itself out.
Got no money now either, waiting for cheques to clear and blah de blah. currently missing Newcastle. Here is fun though. SNOW SNOW SNOW everywhere!
Here's a picture I done:

And here's a lovely tune which featued heavily on my New Years:
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